What is Jasper?
Jasper is a variety of Chalcedony, which is a microcrystalline variety of Quartz.
Jasper Associations
Zodiac - Leo, Virgo, Scorpio
Planet - Mars
Element - Fire
Numerical Vibration - Number 6
Typical colours - brown, red, orange, yellow, green
Healing with Jasper
♥ Relaxation ♥ Contentment ♥ Compassion ♥ Nurturing ♥ Consolation ♥ Tranquility ♥ Healing ♥ Completion
Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer”. It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. It balances yin and yang. Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It encourages honesty with one's self. Provides courage to assertively tackle problems. Aids quick-thinking and promotes organisational abilities. Jasper stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action. Prolongs sexual pleasure. It supports during prolonged illness and re-energises the body.
Bumblebee Jasper is a great life talisman that is here to help keep you “buzzing” throughout your day, even when negative energies constantly come your way. This stone helps you maintain a positive and upbeat attitude through the daily stresses of life, while encouraging you to continue your own spiritual evolution. So often can the societal stress you have placed upon yourself override and suppress your soul’s growth and true potential. This can lead you to eventual sadness and depression as your mind and subconscious become imbued with falsehoods. Bumblebee Jasper will prevent that mindset from infecting you or your aura, and instead will push you closer than ever to finding your life’s purposes. Simply by activating and connecting your solar plexus and sacral chakras, you will become more in touch with yourself and understand your deep emotional body. These sacred attributes housed in your lower chakra system are the driving force of what you do and why you do it. You may refer to this as your “engine”, as your gut houses the most powerful emotions offered in this realm. Bumblebee Jasper will help “oil” your engine and provide you with a smooth ride through life.